This month, Vital Strategies’ Research Division, which implements the USAID-funded TREAT TB project, attended the Union’s 50th World Conference on Lung Health in Hyderabad, India. Annually, this conference gathers thousands – from policymakers to clinicians – who are working to end the burden of lung diseases.
The Research Division staff and partners presented 10 posters and oral presentations related to the STREAM trial, the world’s first multi-country randomized phase III clinical trial to test the efficacy, safety, and economic impact of shortened MDR-TB treatment regimens. The Division also hosted a two-day workshop to develop a shared vision for STREAM community engagement (CE) as well as a half-day of training for CE stakeholders on various aspects of project implementation.
To read the full highlights from the conference, visit TREAT TB.
The STREAM clinical trial is being implemented by Vital Strategies and its affiliate, the International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union). The trial represents a unique collaboration between USAID, Janssen Pharmaceuticals, Vital Strategies, and The Union, and aims to generate evidence regarding the effectiveness of shorter, more tolerable treatment regimens for MDR-TB.
To learn more about the Division’s work at the 50th World Conference on Lung Health, please click here.