Vital Strategies Philippines is part of the Sin Tax Coalition, comprised of medical societies and civil society organizations, which advocate for the passage of laws to increase taxes in tobacco, and reduce use of e-cigarettes and alcohol.
To set the scene for these policy wins, Vital first launched a SmokeFree Caravan Tour in 2017 with a key message that Increasing Tobacco Taxes Will Save Lives.
Recent Abstracts
Testimonials: Personal stories that have the power to save lives on the road
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Study on Lead Poisoning and Pollution in Indonesia
Improving Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems in French-Speaking Countries: Opportunities and Challenges
Strengthening the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) System in Colombia
Estimation of the direct and indirect costs attributable to alcohol consumption in Brazil
Guidance for Collection and Processing of Cause-of-Death Data in the Civil Registration and…
Vital Strategies: Reimagine Public Health
Public perceptions of emissions testing in Jakarta, Indonesia
Cost-Benefit Analysis for Air Pollution Control Strategies in Jakarta
Key Messages on Alcohol Harms and Policy Solutions