Vital Strategies has been collaborating with Indonesia’s Ministry of Health on media campaigns since 2014. But to date, the ministry has spent only a mere fraction compared to the tobacco industry’s Goliath promotional budget.
Over the last five years, Vital Strategies and local advocates have collaborated to find innovative ways to counter the tobacco industry’s huge marketing campaigns. The Vital team continues to initiate campaigns combining creative flair, community engagement, as well as social and earned media. It takes a powerful medium to fight against a behemoth and in the case of Vital’s campaigns, the drawing board has taken the form of walls, houses, bridges, rivers, mini-buses, even the sea floor
Recent Abstracts
How the Alcohol Industry Steers Governments Away From Effective Strategies to Curb Drink…
Analysis of the Efficacy of Alcohol Industry-Sponsored Drink-Driving Campaigns
Messaging Recommendations for Effective Road Safety Campaigns: Lessons From Formative Research for Drink…
Testimonials: Personal stories that have the power to save lives on the road
Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practice Study on Lead Poisoning and Pollution in Indonesia
Improving Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Systems in French-Speaking Countries: Opportunities and Challenges
Strengthening the Civil Registration and Vital Statistics (CRVS) System in Colombia
Estimation of the direct and indirect costs attributable to alcohol consumption in Brazil
Guidance for Collection and Processing of Cause-of-Death Data in the Civil Registration and…
Vital Strategies: Reimagine Public Health