Campaigns Jamaica – Food Policy – Are You Drinking Yourself Sick? Depicts the amount of sugar present in common sugary drinks found in Jamaica like fruit drinks, energy drinks, flavored water and sodas and the health…
Campaigns Brazil – Food Policy – Family Dinner “Você tem o direito de saber o que come” – You Have the Right to Know Explains that labels are not clear, and important information…
Campaigns Bogotá, Colombia – Speeding – Mistakes This Bogotá campaign was modeled after the highly successful New Zealand “Mistakes” campaign that challenges the false idea that drivers are skilled enough to speed…
Campaigns Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Speeding – Enforcement Excuses Addis Ababa launched its first speeding campaign in 2017, featuring a several PSAs that convey the importance of obeying the posted speed limit by showing…
Campaigns Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Speeding – Schoolgirl Addis Ababa launched its first speeding campaign in 2017, featuring a several PSAs that convey the importance of obeying the posted speed limit by showing…
Campaigns Addis Ababa, Ethiopia – Speeding – Surgeon Addis Ababa launched its first speeding campaign in 2017, featuring a several PSAs that convey the importance of obeying the posted speed limit by showing…
Campaigns Bangladesh – Tobacco Control – Sickening This campaign shows the health harms of secondhand smoke.
Campaigns Brazil – Food Policy – You Have the Right to Know What You Eat This campaign calls for clearer food labeling in Brazil.
Campaigns Colombia – Food Policy – Don’t Eat More Lies Portrays children exposed to different types of junk food advertisements. As children reach for the products, they become what they really are: sugar, fat, and…
Campaigns Myanmar – Tobacco Control – Betel Chewing Patient 2 – Testimonial This campaign is a testimonial about the health harms of betel nut chewing.