Lead is a potent toxin that can severely affect the mental functioning and physical health of children and adults. Children are particularly vulnerable to lead poisoning because they absorb significantly more lead from their environments than adults and their central nervous systems are still developing.
According to estimates from the 2019 Global Burden of Disease (GBD) study, India accounted for more than half of the total global morbidity and mortality attributable to lead, despite having only 18% of the global population. Based on modeled estimates, Bihar had the highest blood lead level among all Indian states. However, no statewide monitoring data on children’s blood lead level was available in Bihar to verify this concern.
In 2023, Vital Strategies, in partnership with Pure Earth and Mahavir Cancer Sansthan and Research Center, conducted the first statewide study to understand blood lead levels (BLLs) in children under the age of 5 and their pregnant mothers in Bihar, India. This report discusses the findings from this study and provides recommendations to strengthen government efforts to end childhood lead poisoning.
Read the executive summary here
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