Campaigns Bogotá, Colombia – Speeding – Cameras This Bogotá Secretary of Mobility 2019 campaign supports the introduction of a new speed camera system. The cameras will help slow down drivers and reduce the number of crashes.
Campaigns Jamaica – Food Policy – We have the right to know This campaign aired in Jamaica in November 2019, calling for clearer labelling on food products.
Campaigns Accra, Ghana – Speeding – School Girl This campaign, School Girl, warns drivers in Accra, Ghana about the dangers of speeding.
Campaigns Mexico – Tobacco – Amend Tobacco Control Laws In Mexico, this PSA calls for the urgent amendment of tobacco control laws to protect the most vulnerable people.
Campaigns Bogotá, Colombia – Speeding – Guilt, Moto This campaign aired in Bogotá, Colombia in October 2019 to warn about the dangers of speeding.
Campaigns Brazil – Trans Fat This campaign demonstrates the harmful effects of trans fat in food and cooking and its link to cardiovascular disease.
Campaigns Fortaleza, Brazil – Speeding – Respect the speed limit This campaign aired in Fortaleza, Brazil to warn about the dangers of speeding.
Campaigns China – Hypertension and Salt This campaign aired in China in 2019, warning people about the dangers of too much salt in their diet and the increased risk of hypertension and stroke.
Campaigns Barbados – Food Policy – Tooth Decay This campaign explains how consumption of sugary drinks can add up over time and explains the consequences – tooth decay and type II diabetes.
Campaigns Colombia- Food Policy – Juice This campaign ran in Colombia, calling for clear nutrition labels for food products.