Today José Luis Castro, Vital Strategies’ President and CEO and Chair, NCD Alliance, issued a statement on the upcoming U.N. Habitat III conference.
“In less than a week, world leaders will gather in Quito, Ecuador to formally adopt the New Urban Agenda at the United Nations’ (UN) Habitat III conference. On the heels of the recent UN General Assembly, where member states showed a continued commitment to battling emerging health threats as well as existing challenges such as non-communicable diseases (NCDs) – via the Inter-Agency Task Force on NCDs and the health target of reducing and preventing NCDs outlined in the 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development – Habitat III is yet another opportunity for the world community to make progress on global health challenges, especially as they relate to urban areas.
“With the world’s share of urban dwellers on the rise and 41 megacities with more than 10 million people each expected to exist by 2030, health must remain a top priority. We know that health is both a prerequisite and an indicator for sustainable urbanization. Strategic decisions made in sectors such as education, transport, energy, agriculture and food, can accrue health benefits and savings for cities and nations. These, in turn, will benefit millions of people in urban hubs across our planet.
“That’s why the agreed upon health provisions embedded in the New Urban Agenda – UN Habitat III’s guiding document – are so promising, and if properly implemented, will contribute toward greater economic stability and sustainable development. We look forward to final passage of the agreed upon agenda and call upon continued leadership by nations to empower local governance and financing, measure health impacts and to strengthen cities as well as global institutions to act on these health priorities on the ground and in urban communities, where it matters the most.”
About Vital Strategies:
Vital Strategies envisions a world where every person is protected by a strong public health system. Our team combines evidence-based strategies with innovation to help develop sound public health policies, manage programs efficiently, strengthen data systems, conduct research, and design strategic communication campaigns for policy and behavior change. Vital Strategies is an affiliate of The International Union Against Tuberculosis and Lung Disease (The Union).
For further information please contact Jon Steed, Vital Strategies, at +1.917.710.2846 or
About NCD Alliance
NCD Alliance unites over 2,000 civil society organisations from 170 countries by a vision of a future free from preventable suffering and death caused by NCDs. NCD Alliance is widely recognised as a convenor of the NCD civil society community, providing thought leadership on global policy, setting priorities for the global NCD response, and mobilising civil society action at national and regional levels. It is, therefore, uniquely positioned to convene the Global Forum.