Campaigns Vietnam – Tobacco Control – Tobacco Ruins Families This campaign centers on the true story of Ms. Nguyen Thi Huong – a 41- year old mother and non-smoking victim of tobacco-related lung cancer,…
Press Room Campaign urges Vietnam’s people to “Protect yourself and your loved ones” from second-hand smoke The Vietnam Women’s Union and the Viet Nam Tobacco Control Fund (Ministry of Health) launched a campaign to show the deadly harm of second-hand tobacco smoke on non-smokers. This campaign is the second stage of the “Women build smoke-free homes” program, which urges women across Vietnam to encourage smokers not to smoke in their home.
Campaigns Vietnam – Tobacco Control – Tobacco ruins families This campaign is a testimonial featuring a woman who suffered the health effects of secondhand smoke.
Press Room Ho Chi Minh City Launches New Drinking and Driving Campaign With support from Vital Strategies and the Bloomberg Philanthropies Initiative for Global Road Safety (BIGRS), the city’s campaign features two public service announcements (PSAs) that vividly showcase the grave consequences of operating a motorized vehicle after consuming alcohol.
Campaigns Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – Drink Driving – Never Drink and Drive (Moto) In 2016, Ho Chi Minh City ran its “Never Drink and Drive” campaign and re-ran the campaign around the 2017 Tet holiday. The…
Campaigns Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam – Drink Driving – Never Drink and Drive (Car) In 2016, Ho Chi Minh City ran its “Never Drink and Drive” campaign and re-ran the campaign around the 2017 Tet holiday. The…
Press Room Tobacco use decreases in Vietnam, but survey underlines continued need for tobacco control Vital Strategies welcomes the publication of the Vietnam Global Adult Tobacco Survey (GATS) 2015, which shows a drop in smoking rates.
Press Room Vietnam Women’s Union and Ministry of Health drive to create smoke-free homes will save lives Vital Strategies congratulated the Ministry of Health of the Socialist Republic of Vietnam and the Vietnam Women’s Union on the launch of an important initiative to create smoke-free homes.
Campaigns Vietnam – Tobacco Control – Restaurant The PSA encourages smokers and non-smokers to consider the dangers of second-hand smoke exposure among children.
Campaigns Vietnam – Tobacco Control – Anti-Tobacco Home November 2015 campaign in Vietnam highlighting the dangers of secondhand smoke.