Campaigns Bangladesh – Tobacco Control – Harms of Second Hand Smoking This campaign ran nationally in Bangladesh in 2021 and shows the health risks from secondhand smoke in the home.
Campaigns Bangladesh – Tobacco Control – Shadow This campaign ran nationally in Bangladesh in 2021 to show the dangers of secondhand smoke and inform the public of existing laws prohibiting smoking in public places.
Campaigns Bangladesh – Tobacco Control – The Mask This campaign ran nationally in Bangladesh in 2021. It urges people to quit using tobacco and protect themselves from COVID-19.
Case Studies Tobacco Control Case Study: Bangladesh Vital Strategies has been working with Bangladesh’s government to encourage their support for national tobacco control education campaigns.
Program Overview Civil Registration and Vital Statistics Country Overview – Bangladesh The Bangladesh government views civil registration and vital statistics (CRVS) as the foundation of rights, protections, entitlements and services from cradle to grave.
Campaigns Bangladesh – Tobacco Control – They Win, We Lose This campaign ran in Bangladesh in 2020 and shows that the tobacco industry profits while people suffer the loss of loved ones from smoking.
Campaigns Bangladesh – Tobacco Control – TAPS Ban & Sales to and by Minors This campaign ran in Bangladesh in 2020 to inform the public about the existing laws banning tobacco advertisements, promotion and sales (TAPS) and sale of tobacco to and by minors.
Campaigns Bangladesh – Tobacco Control – Smokeless Tobacco This campaign ran in Bangladesh in 2020 and features testimonials from a victim and doctor on the health harms of smokeless tobacco.
Campaigns Bangladesh – Tobacco Control – Smoke-free Public Places This campaign ran in Bangladesh in 2020 to inform the public of existing laws prohibiting smoking in public places.
Campaigns Bangladesh – Tobacco Control – Invisible Killer This campaign highlights the health harms of secondhand smoke in Bangladesh.