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Areas of Focus

Strategic Communication

Area of focus Main

RESET Brazil rolls out its strategic communication campaign to raise alcohol taxes.

We support local partners to develop and implement evidence-based communication on alcohol harms and policies, including message-tested media materials and strategically placed media campaigns. We support local surveys to understand public opinion that can be used to encourage support for alcohol policy change.

Why it matters

With youth and adults continually exposed to enticing portrayals of alcohol use in the mass media, it is critical to counter that bombardment with content that reveals alcohol’s harms. Strategic communication is a powerful tool to influence public opinion on alcohol harms and norms.

How we work

Conducting polls to understand public knowledge, attitudes and perceptions of alcohol

Revealing public knowledge about alcohol, attitudes towards its consumption and support for policy action to reduce its harms in Sri Lanka.


Changing the alcohol narrative through strategic communication campaigns

Launching a national media campaign in Mexico with the message “Alcohol harms those you love most”. Watch the campaign here.



RESET Alcohol launches first communication campaign in Brazil

RESET Brazil launched a campaign to put alcohol policy on the public agenda and pressure parliamentarians to support alcohol taxes.

See the campaign website


RESET Alcohol launches first communication campaign in Brazil

One campaign message was: “Alcohol increases violence against women and children. Parliamentarian, if alcohol causes violence, it has to pay more tax.”

RESET Brazil launched a campaign to put alcohol policy on the public agenda and pressure parliamentarians to support alcohol taxes.