RESET Alcohol Kenya partners voice concerns about efforts to reduce tax rates on beer, proposing instead increases that would reduce its harms.
We support partners to develop and implement evidence-based advocacy for higher alcohol taxes, strong local policies, and strategies to address alcohol industry influence.
Effective advocacy by civil society, based on sound research, drives legislators to enact laws and policies that save lives, reduce harms, and shift society’s alcohol norms.
How we work
Advocating for alcohol taxation and related alcohol policies
Highlighting the harms of alcohol and the benefits of increased alcohol taxation in reducing these harms in the National Congress in Brazil.
Engaging policymakers to increase knowledge of alcohol harms and benefits of alcohol policies
Holding forums to communicate public support for higher alcohol taxes to Filipino policymakers.
Building coalitions to cultivate policymaker and public support
Leveraging an existing coalition in the Philippines that has been successful in advocating for tobacco tax increases to do the same for alcohol.
Sharing tools and resources to advance advocacy efforts
Using fact sheets and mock beer cans to highlight the vast range of alcohol harms—like cancer, violence and road crashes—and stress the benefits of increases in alcohol taxation.
Exposing alcohol industry tactics that attempt to weaken and block public health efforts
Monitoring alcohol industry activities to challenge and counter industry influence and interference.
Creation of RASA to broaden the support for alcohol control policies in Mexico
The Red de Accion sobre Alcohol (RASA) is a new civil society network focused on strengthening alcohol policies in Mexico. RASA will work to position the problem and agenda in the public eye and exercise political pressure through strong media presence and collective advocacy.
Creation of RASA to broaden the support for alcohol control policies in Mexico
At RASA’s first event, a panel of experts tackled the intersection of alcohol and violence, a priority issue for the Mexican public.
The Red de Accion sobre Alcohol (RASA) is a new civil society network focused on strengthening alcohol policies in Mexico. RASA will work to position the problem and agenda in the public eye and exercise political pressure through strong media presence and collective advocacy.